website tips

Website Tips

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July 9, 2013

Quality Images

Selling a product - better make sure it looks good
If you are selling something that has a visual representation - then professional looking photography is key. Even a multi-million dollar resort will not look good if the photographs are amateurish. If you care about what you have to sell, then it's worth investing in some professional photographs to show people what you have. Remember, on-line people can't get a hold of your product - so you need to give them some really good photographs so that they can feel confident that it meets their needs.


May 30, 2013

URL Naming

Prudent choice of URLs will impact your web site's performance

Professional web designers should already know this - but if you are using a content management system to build your web site, or portions of it, it is important to understand the significance of the URL used to access pages on your web site.

Search engines look at the address of every page on your web site and try to extract key-words from the content of the url. For example, you may have a page about "Widgets" on your web site called "" creating the page with a filename of wigits.html will give a better keyword rank then page6.html this is also true of sub-directories on the site being better then

This is a fairly subtle point but makes a significant difference for most search engines. It can also make it much easier for people that are typing in a URL to access a specific page of your web site. Notice the URL for this example page
Can you guess what the search engine thinks it is about?


April 25, 2013

Feed The Goog

Think of Google and other search engines as ever hungry creatures constantly looking for tasty morsels of website content. When they see lots of people hanging around a website they assume it to be a feeding frenzy and join in. When they see good quality content placed in the feeding trough of a website each week, they like it and tend to come back to eat. Fresh, new, quality content on a regular basis is the sign of a vibrant, living, breathing website. Goog and others know this is likely to be attractive to visitors and so they move it up in the ranks. And, the more variety of content the more searches you become relevant for.


February 20, 2013

Know your keywords

What are the top 2 or 3 keywords associated with your business that people search by? What are the top 10? You need to know these and have them properly incorporated into your website or you are losing business. Google’s Keyword Tool is a great tool and its free. If you aren’t sure what to look for or how to analyze the results, get professional help from an SEO professional. Proper keyword usage really is critical.

Learn more about Keywords


January 22, 2013

Create Useful, Real Content

More and more, the business world is learning that fresh, quality content is the best way to attract the good favor of the search engines. Useful, quality content is just that. It is something people are looking for, like when they find it, and will stay on your site to delve deeper. They will also tell their friends and this results in developing in-bound links, another item that search engines love. There is a method to determining what content you should include on your site and there is an even greater skill in writing it in an SEO friendly fashion that helps ensure that the page content is well received by the search engines.
Oftentimes it is easier to work with a professional to help determine what content you need and assemble it. Timing of posting new content is also key to getting the search engines to notice and respond in a positive fashion.  Learn more about Content Creation



